Positively Minty
Independent Development Work, Consultancy and Training:
Working with you to create positive change!

My Offer
I offer a wide range of support to organisations, community groups, individuals and families on a variety of topics, including Organisational Development, Self-Directed Support, Change Management, Risk Enablement, Redesigning Services, Strategic Change and Continuous Improvement.
All of my work is based on listening and understanding what you need rather than giving you an off the shelf solution. I believe in the values of inclusion and empowerment, and in particular the work of In Control Scotland, Asset Based Community Development, Simon Duffy's work on Citizenship, Varun Vidyarthi's work on community empowerment through the work done on People Based Development by Manavodaya, and other truly community led, grassroots initiatives.
Examples of the type of work I can do with you -
Agreeing a new direction for your organisation or a project, getting this explored and agreed with all stakeholders. Follow up and checking that we haven't gone off track - no shortcuts! Celebrating the success and reinforcing the value of everyone's contribution to the learning from the experience, even if it wasn't comfortable to hear at the time. Creating trust that you can build on for next time - getting compliance is one thing, but to get respect, buy in and understanding for a new approach is another, which will free people to contribute much more effectively.
Developing a policy area or a particular practice issue that you feel is either underdeveloped or needs a fresh approach. This can be particularly useful where custom and practice or existing processes are driving what is happening more than the values of the organisation. One of the most difficult balances to be struck is in giving people enough guidance to feel safe and sure they are meeting expectations without it becoming mechanical and soulless.
Exploring Person Centred Planning options and creative options for Self Directed Support around an individual or family. This can include planning together and also may include some direct development work to work through options and build confidence. I offer significantly reduced rate sessions for this, as I am passionate about supporting people to explore and challenge. Many of the options that we might explore can be different and will require careful thought and working through if they are to be effective. This is about focusing on the practical as much as the creative solutions.
I work in a creative flexible way and am happy to be fluid with plans. My aim is for sessions to be enjoyable as well as informative. I use humour and self reflection to break down barriers and ensure people feel supported to contribute and not constrained by any preconceptions. I am clear about the importance of bringing people with you when managing change, and will check how we are doing on this as we progress with any work I carry out. I am happy to work collaboratively on bigger bids such as National Implementation Plans or Local Authority tenders.
Below are recommendations from two people Positively Minty has worked with -
Strategic planning is only one of Alastair's strengths. His knowledge of the social care environment combined with his facilitation skills ensured the structured planning programme he designed really helped us develop our own ideas on the best way forward for our organisation. Grampian Opportunities have also contracted with Alastair to support individuals working on their own personal plans. I've learned a lot from the materials and approaches he brings to meet the needs of the individual, ensuring they are fully involved. I'd recommend his work and will continue to use his services
Linda Singer (Winner of the 2018 Inspirational Leader Award from Aberdeenshire Voluntary Action)
Grampian Opportunities http://www.grampianopportunities.org.uk/
I would recommend Alastair as he has supported me. Many offer good support, so why did I choose him for a testimonial here? Listening and support that is person centred should be basic skills that all professionals have, but only he has really delivered this as I wanted and in a way that was best for me.
He also does not cut me off and listens all the way to an end of any statement, even if it may not seem relevant. In doing so, I get my point across and he learns exactly why my statements are relevant and important. This was not always been done by others, at great expense to my health. He is one of few people I trust as near 100% and that is a good as it gets.
I can still disagree sometimes and sometimes he tells me things I can find difficult to hear but I feel safe to discuss ways forward I am not sure about, which is rare for me. I would recommend his services for anyone
Euan Hood Autism Awareness Presentations https://autismawarenesspre.wixsite.com/euanhood

Life Changing...
I know about the importance of positive attitude and persistence to overcome difficulties. After being told in 2015 I had a "life changing injury" and would have a very limited range of movement in my arm, I am back doing the things that matter to me - be careful which "experts" you listen to about what is possible...

Set Your Sights High
With planning and determination, many things are possible. Many people underestimate what can be achieved with the right attitude and support. I have worked with many people with labels, who, when the system stops telling them what they can't do, amaze everyone and themselves. It requires commitment and a willingness to challenge.

Seeing The Wood For The Trees...
We can all get tunnel vision sometimes. If we get fixed on a single target as the solution, we risk missing out on the skills and contribution of others. I work hard to ensure all points of view are heard and included, to inform the best, most sustainable solutions.